Self-Study Classes


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All Classes offered are listed here. All classes are valid for any type of AR insurance license; no limitations based on your license type. Choose for yourself!

Are you looking for...    ETH    ►ethics classes?      ANN   ►annuity suitability classes? Look for these symbols in the first column below.

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Take any of the color-paired classes in this section and get all your credits in just two classes! The same classes are also available individually in the "My Freestyle CE" section after this one.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"PPACA Details" Course #199880, 21 general credits
Agent impacts of PPACA and assorted PPACA ("ObamaCare") details and Q&A from the DOL and IRS. Class reflects original PPACA implementation, not all the changes since: this is history class, not a reflection of current state.

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"What is Ethics" Course #199857, 3 ethics credits


Toolkit of tactics successful people use in wading through ethical dilemmas.

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"P&C and Commercial Readings" Course #199881, 19 general credits
An engaging assortment of articles that cover the gamut of the P&C world.

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"Ethics in Insurance" Course #199879, 5 ethics credits


An equally engaging variety of readings that chronicle the role of ethics in the industry.

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"IRAs and  Retirement Plans" Course #199878, 19 general credits
The ins and outs of IRAs and employment-based retirement plans directly from the IRS. In addition, ethics is included so that this single course can fulfill you entire CE requirement!

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"Ethics in Insurance" Course #199879, 5 ethics credits


An engaging variety of readings that chronicle the role of ethics in the industry.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Insurance Fraud" Course #199868,
1 general credit
A quick look at insurance fraud in many of its present forms, as well as efforts to recognize, control and prosecute it.

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"Life Insurance History" Course #199865, 1 general credit
Hey Discovery Channel fans... this class takes you on a short journey though the early history of life insurance.

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"Annuities" Course #199877,
2 general credits
Covers the basics of annuities, with additional emphasis on variable annuities. History of annuities also covered. Does NOT fulfill AR Annuity Suitability Training Requirements

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"Principles of Insurance" Course #199861,
2 general credits
Back to basics--- Fundamentals of insurance in law and in practice. The function of insurance in society as well as risk and contract basics.

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"Life Settlements and Viaticals" Course #199864,
2 general credits
A look at these controversial products from two very different angles. You decide which is right! Does NOT fulfill any Life Settlement Training Requirements
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Insurance in the Developing World 2" Course #199866, 2 general credits
Lighter discussion of concepts in the 'Insurance in the Developing World 1' class. Life and health micro-insurance products are also discussed, and compared to community-based insurance-like activities that already take place in the developing world.

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"What is Ethics?" Course #199857,
3 ethics credits


Toolkit of tactics successful people use in wading through ethical dilemmas.

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"Health Insurance Scam Alert!" Course #199871,
3 general credits
Overview of current health insurance scams, and how to protect your clients from them.

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"Ethics in Insurance" Course #199879,
5 ethics credits


An engaging variety of readings that chronicle the role of ethics in the industry.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance" Course #199873,
5 general credits
Overview of errors and omissions insurance--- and how to make sure you never have to make a claim on your personal policy!

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"Annuity Suitability Training" Course #199856,
6 Annuity Suitability credits


This class fulfills the Annuity Training requirement for agents who wish to sell annuities

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"Ethics" Course #199872, 6 ethics credits


Overview of ethics, including an overview of scholarly work on the subject.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Auto Insurance" Course #199876, 9 general credits
Overview of auto insurance policies and provisions.

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"Home Insurance" Course #199870, 9 general credits
Overview of homeowners insurance policies and provisions.

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"Insurance in the Developing World 1" Course #199867, 10 general credits
Fascinating look at the impact that micro-insurance has on people in the developing world. A peek into America's past--- we were just like these people 200 years ago, what would a program like this have done for our ancestors?

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"Voluntary Benefits Overview" Course #199858, 12 general credits
A broad look at the types of voluntary insurance and non-insurance products that the industry offers. How employers implement these plans, and communicate them effectively is discussed, as well as what makes each type of plan popular. This is followed by a discussion of the "new" cafeteria plan guidelines.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Topics in Insurance" Course #199859, 12 general credits
DI insurance, Group Insurance, Annuities, and an overview of the different types of businesses that we work with each day. Understanding the legal differences between types of companies can make you a better consultant and protects your clients.

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"Life Insurance Principles" Course #199863, 12 general credits
overview of Life Insurance principles and uses for both individuals and businesses. It covers the true meaning of Life Insurance in the real world, and finishes with a solid overview of Term Life Insurance.
Credits, Access, Class Name,
Class Number, Credit Details
Class Description

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"Medicare and Medicare Supplements" Course #199862, 12 general credits
A comprehensive overview of the Medicare program parts A,B,C, and D as well as Medigap insurance.

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"IRAs and Retirement Plans" Course #199878, 19 general credits
The ins and outs of IRAs and employment-based retirement plans directly from the IRS.

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"P&C and Commercial Readings" Course #199881, 19 general credits
A truly engaging assortment of articles that cover the gamut of the P&C and Commercial Insurance world.

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"PPACA Details" Course #199880, 21 general credits
Agent impacts of PPACA and assorted PPACA ("ObamaCare") details and Q&A from the DOL and IRS. Class reflects original PPACA implementation, not all the changes since: this is history class, not a reflection of current state.
